    RLVDL56DPF/SP 11229-12  HCF modem NEC製

    チップセットでHCFモデムかどうかを見分ける方法 --> http://www.conexant.com/support/md_driverdownload.jsp
    4. Unplug the modem from the Desktop or Notebook
      and read the part number on the Conexant chipset.
      If the part number on the chipset is R6795-XX on the modem (Picture 1)
      or both 11229-XX and RLVDL56DPF/SP R6785-XX
      or both 11235-XX and RHP56D/SP R6789-51 on your modem with 2 chipsets (Picture 2),
      then the modem is a HCF modem.
    どれかに該当すれば Generic HCF Modem とわかる。そのドライバは Windows XP なら(HSFp_WinXP.zip)で動作するであろう。
    またこのドライバーはWindows Vistaでも動作するという情報がある。-->  「ugyaの日記」さんの「HCFモデムとWindows VISTA」エントリーにある。

    Linux drivers for Conexant modem chipsets Installer

    The easiest way to install the modem driver is to use our automatic installer, it will detect the modem and install the right package(s).
    If you already have Internet access from your Linux system, the installer will be able to download and install the right driver package for your system. Otherwise, the installer will attempt to detect your modem and important system settings. That information will be useful to select the right HCF modem package for your system from the driver download page.

    How to detect the modem and install the driver using the installer

    • Download the installation program (cnxtinstall.run)
    • Open a terminal window. (If you don't know how to do this, press ALT-F2 and in the dialog box that will appear, try entering one of the following commands: xterm or konsole or gnome-terminal)
    • Use the cd command to access the directory where the cnxtinstall.run file was downloaded.
    • Finally, enter the sh cnxtinstall.run command to run the installer.
    If you have any problems with the installer, please contact the support team.
    Advanced installer options

    How to install the HCF driver without the installer

    You can manually download the package from the HCF driver download page. Please read the installation instructions to know how to download and install the right package for your system.

    NEC製モデム 正体不明 〜11229-12 とRLVDL56DPF/SP (ブログ)
    I・O DATA  DFML-560E  I・OデータFAXモデム 2010.2.7 新着
    AIWA PV−AF3361に交換した  消費電力が少なそうだから
    秋月電子通商 USB・シリアル変換ケーブル USB to I/O Port Controllers PL-2303 これは優れモノ 2008.12.1
    AIWA PV-AF3351 FAXモデム   RS232Cケーブル、STARFAX にて動作OK
    モデム Conexant RS56-PCI R6793-15 のインスト  Windows XPできっちり成功
    モデム Conexant RS56-PCI R6793-15 のインスト   Windows Server 2003では失敗だったが・・・
    I・Oデータ DFML-560   RS232Cケーブル、STARFAX にて動作OK

    ホームへ    なんでやってもみよう! DIYページのもくじ

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